Roots to the Moon is a 20 acre smallholding nestled in the heart of the woodland valleys of the High Weald where the small irregular fields of the medieval landscape are surrounded by ancient woodland. As a certified organic and biodynamic farm we aim to operate a ‘closed loop’, holistic system where we create our own living composts for growing veg and herbs and treat our animals with plants, homeopathy and herbs. We keep a small flock of mixed breed sheep, a flock of forty chickens, cross breed pigs and a small herd of pedigree traditional short legged Hereford cows with calves. We operate rotational grazing for pasture health, have a small Sussex variety apple orchard and a 4 acre woodland. Together we aim for a holistic, balanced and thriving mini ecosystem working in harmonious reciprocity with the wildlife and natural environment, from which we can all nurture and grow.
Integrated within the farm is a sharing and learning centre where we aim to impart knowledge about animism and listening to the wisdom of the natural world around us.
Workshops – Talks – Ceremonies – Gatherings – Healing
We share our experience of biodynamics and shamanic/animistic practice through our offer of workshops, talks and farm walks, group ceremonies, journey circles and healing sessions. Although we integrate biodynamics with shamanic practice and vice versa, we often offer workshops and talks separately to focus in on specific areas, however each will always incorporate aspects of the other.

Our Services
The Farm
Green Oak Farm is a certified Biodynamic and Organic small-farm, where we keep rare breed slow growing pigs, a small flock of mixed sheep, Pigmy Goats and a flock of free-range organic chickens. We have a Sussex apple orchard, plus a variety of other soft fruit trees and bushes, a 3.5 acre woodland and a vegetable growing area from which we grow and supply to the local community. The farm supplies meat and eggs through our shop in Godalming ‘The Peppered Pear Pantry’ . We hope soon to add two cows to our animal community as each and every animal has an important role to fulfil in the biodynamic system.

A biodynamic farm is a living organism made up of many elements; pastures, plants, animals, wildlife, trees, bees, the micro-biome of the soil, the water, air and sunlight. Biodynamics is biodiversity, it is sustainable, ecologically sound and regenerative. In addition Biodynamic farmers work with the rhythms of the cosmos and energetics behind the physical to support a holistic fertility and vitality of the whole. Shamanic practitioners work alongside mother earth, in partnership with the spiritual realms of nature.
Food produced with respect for the ecosystem it inhabits, is food that feeds your body with vibrant nutrients, your energetic self with vitality and your soul with love.