At Green Oak farm we don’t have enough land to breed our own pigs as we want them all outside breathing fresh air, eating rich pasture and rooting in living soil. And so we source Organic and Biodynamic weaners at 8 weeks old and grow them on. Our pigs free range; eating weeds and taproots, bugs and grubs and wallow in mud in the summer months to protect their skin from the hot sun rays. They are supplemented with Organic pig nuts, Biodynamic Wheat, Oats, Apples from our orchard and Acorns from our Oak trees. They are slow traditional growing breeds such as Saddlebacks, Gloucester Old Spots and Sandy and Blacks. Pigs are intelligent clean animals who love to be scratched behind the ear, neck and belly see here
In Biodynamic terms, Pigs are warm animals, being hairless and fat they absorb heat as they dig and root in the soil, they disturb compaction and let in light and air. As a pig extracts warmth his dung is earthly and cold so this manure works very well on root crops.
The Essence of Pig: The pig is an earth animal, wallowing in, rooting under and eating the earth, as such he is well grounded and connected into the source of all living matter that mother earth breeds from her depths. Spending time with pigs, helps us to ground ourselves in the lower more solid vibrational energies of earth.

First pigs at the farm!
Paul the Pig Whisperer!