A Pilgrimage to the Herbs – Mugwort Dieta – x 6 weeks April New Moon to May New Moon
(2 Hours per week) 6.30pm – 8.30pm
27th April ( evening between the New Moon of April to the New Moon of May.
April 27 @ 6:30 pm – May 27 @ 8:30 pm
A ‘Dieta’ is a pilgrimage to a plant, a contract between a student and a plant, an agreement to learn about each other, to meet in spirit, in the world of non-ordinary reality, between, beyond and betwixt the mist of the veil. Although we ingest the plant to commune with her, the communication is beyond the physical, it is an emotional, an intellectual, a sentient, an etheric telepathic all encompassing meeting. A dieta is a sacred personal appointment between the two of you and as such must be treated with love, compassion, honesty and authenticity. Plant spirits are not transcended compassionate beings and so need to be treated with reverence and respect. Mugwort is the first plant we will meet, she will help us access all the others we will meet throughout the years. The more we put into this relationship, the stronger it will be, the more profound experience we will have, the more satisfaction we will gain, the more love and longevity we will enjoy.
Throughout European history, Mugwort (Artemesia vulgararis) ruled by Venus and strongly associated with the moon, was known as a witch’s herb, a stirrer of visions and an opener of portals, she would be laid at the door of witches, healers and midwives to heighten power and ward of the negative energies of ‘evil’ spirits. When ingested she heightens our extrasensory perception and opens the gateway for visionary dreaming, she is believed to have a strong connection to the spirit world and can help strengthen shamanic journeying, advance our seer-ship and divinatory skills. She is an ancient magical herb used by all of our ancestors, she is a part of our history, she is in our blood, she is one of us.
Working with plant spirits as allies or as medicines is not for the faint hearted, it is for the brave seekers who wish to move beyond the realms of ordinary physical life and into the unfamiliar and the unknowns. Once you have communed effectively with the spirit of a plant, your relationship with natural world we inhabit will never be the same.
Come sit with her… while we work with this incredible herb we will commune with her via ceremonial teas, create powerful dream pillows for dreamwork, we will anoint our bodies and bathe in her essence, we will breathe her in with smudge and ask for her lessons, her guidance and her healing.
This series of workshops will take place over a six week period from 27th April to 27th May 6.30-8.30:
- Opening – Sunday 27th April
- Friday 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd May
- Closing – Tuesday 27th May
To get the most out of this experience, you will be asked to commit to all of the above dates, to abstain from addictive substances, such as caffeine, alcohol, recreational drugs, sugar, sex etc. You will keep a dream diary and commit to the support of your group for the duration, we will share our experiences and our dreams, inspire and support, love and embolden each other to go beyond.
‘Plants are not alternative or complementary, they are living beings that pre date us evolutionarily, living beings that we are in relationship with.
Our primary attachment wound is not from our mothers, but from the earth. Tending to our relationships to the plants and the land offers a way that we can start to heal this wound.’ Nathaniel Hughes
Note: You cannot take mugwort if you think you might be pregnant or are breastfeeding, nor those with a ragweed allergy. I am not a medical herbalist so using any herbs during workshops is your own choice and at your own risk, please do your own research if you are unsure, contact your GP if you feel the need too and make your own decision. NB. some herbs can react with medications so if you are on specific medications ask your GP.