Shamanic Journey Circle 8th April

Our ancestors have been sitting in circles for as long as we know – come and join them, they have been waiting for you. When you connect with your ancestors and spirit guides they can help you find the answers:What is my life’s purpose?What does my true path look like?Which direction should I take re […]

Get Tickets £20.00 12 tickets left

Open Farm Sunday – 8th June 2025

A walk and/or tour of this Organic/Biodynamic regenerative small farm. A walk to see the animals, sheep, pigs, chickens, orchard, veg and herb gardens by Biodynamic/Organic Farmer and inspector Dr Joanna Gore. Joanna will also give a one hour introductory talk on Biodynamic farming and growing which is wholistic and regenerative at heart. A Biodynamic […]

Community Healing Group 6.30-9pm x 6

A circle of community healing, whereby each person in the group will undergo a spirit lead shamanic healing, fuelled by the love of their community and guided by the shamanic practitioner. The group as a whole will use drum, rattle and the powerful sound of their voice to call in spirit guides, to bring the […]

Get Tickets £132.00 14 tickets left
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